‘Her’ isn’t an ordinary tale. In fact, am not even sure if I can call it a tale. There’s no beginning, climax and end, nothing that I can call a plot – just a very unique context (which may be not be too far a stretch of imagination, the way the world is going) and a lot of emotional depth in a lot of conversations. In fact, 123 minutes later when you emerge from the hall, you are still not quite sure what you’ve just seen  – its all too layered and complex – ‘Her’ is that kind of movie

If you don’t wish to explore it, trouble the ol’ grey cells or maybe in this case, more importantly, pause and reflect, you might as well not watch ‘Her’. You’ll likely get bored with all the random conversation, moping about and sheer pacing of the movie. However, if you are one of those who likes to go deeper, unravel the layers and reach out to what lies at the core – ‘Her’ may well be a goldmine. I am not even sure that the director himself has an explanation for every scene he’s shown and what it implies

Like a good idea (and one of the movie characters), ‘Her’ just grows independently, evolving to have a personality of its own and its depth is more about how you interpret it, than how the director intended it. Me, I am still struggling with the ending of the movie – not quite sure what that depicted. The movie explores many important themes and emotions – love, relationship, the need for connection and simply human nature without stamping its own message with either of them. Its only what you take away from it that matters. There is some subtle irony as well but again it takes some doing to catch it

Given the lack of characters, a lot of responsibility falls on Joaquin Phoenix who does a very credible job with an extremely complex character.  Amy Adams in a much simpler role also does a good job, as does Scarlett Johansson in her very unique character. Sorry..can’t say more

‘Her’ then is a layered and complex movie. One viewing may not be enough to take away all it has to offer. Go for it only if you are willing to explore what lies beneath