Pop quiz: Did you like Pacific Rim? If you did, then ignore the title and ignore probably the rest of this review as well. You might still wanna go since, quite obviously, mindless monster madness is right up your alley. For the rest of you though, Godzilla fails on too many different fronts.Plot, build-up, acting, climax – other than special effects – none of it is there

For many of us, self included, we saw Godzilla during childhood and wanted to revisit the spectacle with high quality effects of today. Sadly, while the effects are there, you’d be better off with the older memories. In fact, I can’t even get my head wrapped around why they had to make this movie. Making a new-age Godzilla movie made some sense. The version they have made, makes no sense at all!! Try this one for starters, the movie Godzilla features the actual Godzilla for barely 20 minutes in the entire movie runtime of over 2 hours!! Or..the best scene in Godzilla doesn’t feature Godzilla at all but rather some birds!! You can probably understand my angst by now

The 1998 version of Godzilla has been the butt of many a critic joke. However, I still have fond memories of that movie. Roland Emmerich is quite the veteran for disaster movies and I still feel that movie had a near perfect build up for showcasing a creature wreaking havoc in a city towards the climax. In comparison to that, the premise as well as build up of the new age Godzilla is almost laughably ridiculous. They’ve managed to morph the terrifying giant lizard to a heroic avatar coming to aid in time of need. Only my own principles refrain me from sharing more, in my bid to convince you of the futulity of watching this drivel

One saving grace the movie could’ve have was the awesome screen presence of Bryan Cranston. In fact, the opening scene is quite powerful and the Breaking Bad veteran is on top of his game. Sadly though, this relief too is well, fleeting. The rest of the pack doesn’t even begin to measure up  and the absence of plot means it all squarely rests on the action and effects – the only aspect that this re-make delivers in

Giant wars are experienced with jaw dropping proportions and the CGI isn’t obvious. The enormity of Godzilla really comes through in what is perhaps the best representation of the monster thus far. Wide angle shots are plentiful and wholesome – whether it’s the shot of Mount Fiji in the backdrop, an entire city losing power or buildings collapsing in California – the scale is faithfully rendered each time.

If that alone can justify a 2 hour assault on the senses that defies all manner of meaningful cinema then you can possibly still watch this monstrosity. Me..I wish somebody had given me such a clear warning before watching – I wouldn’t have ventured out for a sighting in the first place