While the world seemed to love the original lego movie – I thought it was just about okay. Being an ardent fan of the Dark Knight though, I was much interested in this sequel to the lego saga. The start was near brilliant – it had all the makings of a spoof made by a fanboy in a rather unique paradox. However, after the first 20 minutes or so, some of the fun died down.
How much you will enjoy Lego Batman is driven largely by how much of a Batman fan you are and how much you have seen of Batman earlier (I am not talking just about the Nolan movies…right up to na na na na na…Batman…if you know what I mean). If so, there are little moments that will have you in splits and are the best pieces of this Batman lego model.
Outside of that, the animation is extremely good and the story telling – good in parts. The best and worst aspect of Batman Lego movie is that – well it’s a lego movie. Best – because that means it can get away with practically anything and it really exploits this fact – some of the gags, characters and call outs are the most outlandish and bizarre that you will get to see and worst because despite having a deep seated central premise that has the potential to hit at the very psyche of who Batman is, it relapses into the familiar children friendly tone and storyline that becomes predictable and boring.
Will Arnett’s voice acting is perfect as Batman. This might be a mere coincidence but there are a few parallels to be drawn between the obstinate, self obsessed, ‘I am okay you are not okay’ characters of Batman and the new US President (especially the spoof versions of conversations between him and Obama on the Conan show).The other characters and there a quite a few of these, are also enacted as well.
The writing which needs to be the real star of the show is in uneven form – there are some crackling one liners and others really bring things down. Just when it gets really fun, it either over-does things or resorts to some pedestrian writing. The 3D stuff is there but isn’t particularly eye popping – and I saw this in IMAX. I wouldn’t recommend you do that.

At the end of it all, this lego version of the Dark Knight certainly rises but only sporadically. It isn’t the out n out rip roaring hit that critics are making it out to be – but it is a fair bit of fun especially for its good parts. If you are a Batman fan and familiar with the lore, I’d definitely say its still worth a watch. Not so much for the others. If more of the movie would have been like its beginning though, this would have been one hell of a ride for everybody